delivering prepared speeches


 Preparing the content
Concluding the speech 
Creating a long term impact

We always at some point in our lives need to deliver a speech. For some of us delivering speech is important as it is a part of our daily work. So we all have prepared for the speech. The problem is how we deliver it? Is there any format that we can follow? Let's find out.


Choosing a topic is easy, sometimes you don't get to choose the topic you have to speak about what is given. Considering how long you are going to stand on the stage and give your speech is also important. The length of the speech depends on the time you get to speak. So make sure you know for how long you are standing on the stage.
Always make small points of your speech, you don't have to write the complete speech just the topic on which you are speaking and the subtopics are fine. Just look at it as and when you get the time to do so. If you have a platform where you get to keep your speech then it is good as you can look at the points when you forget some points.
If you have to give the speech without any external support please try to remember all the subtopics you are going to speak about. Here is a trick if you forget to say about an important point, don't just say sorry I forgot because this is going to give a negative impact on you. If you remember the point in the end just give those points as a bonus. So it will create a strong impact that you are giving more than it is necessary and they will never get the thought that you forgot and matching up the things.
Once you create the content try practising it once, just record your speech so that you will get to know, what the changes you wish to make. Giving a speech in front of the mirror only lets you your facial expression, once you record and see the speech you will find out the body language and other leaks where you find you should correct.


This is the crucial part of the speech; this is where you get to make the first impression. Remember you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Don't try to give the same opening as everybody does, start suddenly. The first 15 seconds is all the time you got to make your first impression.
Everybody generally starts the speech with the same good morning/afternoon. Try to be more creative there are lot of other ways to start a speech, you can start by asking a question or you can start by sharing an incident. You will find a lot of other ways of starting a speech. Learn and implement every kind of opening whenever you get a chance to.

3. BODY 

As soon as you finish your introduction, you get to the body of the speech. Always interact with the audience, keep them busy by asking them questions or giving them a small activity. Look at every side of the room so that nobody is left out. Make sure your speech is given in points so that people can follow you easily.
Don't try to be monologues, always use voice modulations as it gives a strong impact, stress on the words which is important, use high pitch when you are saying something inspiring, use low pitch and get back to your normal voice level. Your voice is the only tool that can keep your audience interested. 


Have you ever been to a movie where the whole movie was going in a good flow and all of a sudden you see "THE END" on the screen and you don't even know what actually happened? Well, most of the speakers end their speech the same way, they feel like the conclusion is not so important as the opening and the body of the speech. But you need to keep the same flow of the speech until you step out of the stage. You can't live a blind guy in the middle of the road and say you are done, that's a blunder. Even the people listening to your speech need to cross the end of the road not just end in the middle of nowhere.


Your audience reaction when the speech is over tells you how you have presented. It's not about giving a good presentation or a good speech. Sometimes if you are the leader of your team you have to give a bigger impact by your speech that following your words could make them achieve what they have longed for. Your thoughts should strike their mind and if this happens trust me you will be remembered. Once you get the recognition you get more opportunities smashing your door. Give your all in the speeches you give. Because your speech is more than words sometimes it's an inspiration and for some, it's a lesson.


Keep inspiring people through your words. The words have the magical power to change someone's life when said it in the right way. I hope this has given you the frame on how you should build your speech and deliver it to the audience. It is also important to know your target audience, who you are trying to say this about. There is never a speech for everybody. Once you know your target audience you can improve your speech according to their mindset. Use every weapon you have in your arsenal and help to make the world a better place.


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